Even after multiple years of independence, even after women have managed to encroach on many aspects of the professional realm, if you look at the present data in India, we realise, with utmost disappointment, that women are only relegated to the domestic domains and are not given as many rights as an individual in a democratic country should get. A woman inevitably plays multiple roles in a house: the role of a mother, the role of a daughter, the role of a sister, and many more. Here, however, it is extremely important to talk about the role of a woman as a mother because a mother not only brings forth a healthy child but is also largely responsible for the biological, social, and psychological growth of a child. It is therefore understandable that if a woman is not healthy, and more specifically, if a pregnant or lactating woman is not healthy, the child that she’s going to bring forth is going to be affected on multiple health parameters.
First of all, we need to identify the problems that exist in rural India. Because child marriage is an abominable practise that is still prevalent in many parts of India, very young women are forced to give birth to the children when they themselves are not mature enough to nourish another life. Understandably, if a mother is not healthy, the child is also not going to be healthy and is going to suffer from multiple health disorders. That’s what happens in rural India. Malnutrition and deprivation are the two most dominant concerns in rural India. Although many non-governmental organisations have decided to step forward to help these pregnant ladies, mothers for the first time, and newly born children, the problem is quite grave and needs more attention.
For the same reason, child marriages need to be abolished with immediate effect. If young girls become pregnant, it is not only harmful for the child but also harmful for their own biological health as well. If somebody becomes pregnant and is about to give birth to a child, she needs to be given special attention, food, and care so that both lives can be properly nourished and saved. There is no doubt that multiple governmental organisations have been working in the direction of ensuring women’s safety, but that is probably not enough. That is why non-governmental organisations also need to join hands to help erase this problem of health concerns for pregnant women and lactating mothers.
Geetanjali Care, a Non-Government Organisation, has endeavoured to address this concern at quite close quarters. They not only ensure field visits to various villages in India so that they can understand and take full cognizance of the problem, but are also trying to identify the dominant problems existing in these areas, especially in the context of pregnant women and malnourished children. The efforts are wholeheartedly invested in the direction of providing as many facilities and provisions in terms of financial resources, money, and food as the organisation can. If you also believe in their vision, you can certainly connect with Geetanjali Care and do your bit to help India become a disease-free and healthy nation. Needless to say, your efforts can make all women biologically as well as psychologically secure.